
2010 was our first year preparing the Comer Cadet power plant. Our aim was to prepare the engine to a satisfactory race speed. We did not expect the combined talent of Phillip Rawson and the superbly race prepared OGDEN COMER to lead and win Super One and FKS finals.

In our fully equipped and state of the art workshop, with massive attention to detail, our objective is to supply motors of the highest quality, which will hopefully be reflected with good results on the race track.

Our Rotronics Dynomometer can reproduce track conditions and give understandable readings to the layman in simple horsepower figures, taking away any doubt about the true performance of the engine.

The astute teams are now sending motors to be prepared for the 2011 season.

Oliver York - Comer Kart engine preparation

Ogden Motorsport Prepared Engines, Philip Rawson

Connor Hall, Comer Kart engine preparation

Jamie Caroline - Comer Kart engine preparation